Patient Price Information List

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To help patients understand what their potential financial liability for services might be, Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital is providing price lists containing our standard charges for the procedures most commonly performed at the hospital. 

> Understanding Healthcare Prices: A Consumer Guide (PDF)
> Comprensión de los precios de la salud: una guía del usuario (PDF)

If you would like information about charges that are not listed here, or a complete list of the hospital's Charge Description Master (CDM) please contact the Business Office at 936-568-8521. Our price lists will be updated at least annually or more frequently if pricing changes. Click here to download a price list for common hospital charges. 

The hospital’s charges are the same for all patients, but a patient’s responsibility may vary, depending on the discounts negotiated with individual health insurers. These price lists do not include these discounts. If you have health insurance, you should contact your insurance company directly to understand what your financial obligation will be. Uninsured or underinsured patients should consult with our Financial Counseling staff to determine whether they qualify for discounts. 

Also, the price lists do not include physicians’ fees from emergency physicians, surgeons, anesthesiologists, radiologists, pathologists or other professional fees. Your physician’s office will bill you separately for services and should be able to give you pricing information if you call their office directly. Prices also do not include charges for anesthesia, drugs, supplies, or additional testing, services or procedures ordered by your physician.  Your final bill will vary depending on the actual services provided, existing health conditions that may impact your care (such as obesity, diabetes or smoking), and your insurance coverage, if you are insured.

Consumers can access a number of government and private websites, which provide additional information on hospitals’ charges and quality, through the internet. The American Hospital Association and the Texas Hospital Association may also have valuable information to help you understand healthcare pricing.  You might also find helpful this Guide to Understanding Healthcare Pricing, which can be accessed through the following link.

Current as of February 11, 2019

*Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital (NMH) makes no guarantees regarding the accuracy of the pricing information provided herein. The pricing information provided by this website is strictly an estimate of prices, and NMH cannot guarantee the accuracy of any estimates. All estimates are based on information provided by a prospective patient and do not include, among other things, any unforeseen complications, additional tests or procedures, and non-hospital related charges, any of which may increase the ultimate cost of the services provided. Any prospective patient should understand that a final bill for services rendered at NMH may differ substantially from the information provided by this website, and NMH shall not be liable for any inaccuracies.

CPT CODE DISCLAIMER: Throughout this material, there are references to certain CPT codes, descriptions and definitions. This material is owned by the American Medical Association and is used for reference purposes only. NMH claims no rights to this information and its use does not represent any affiliation, sponsorship or association between NMH and the American Medical Association.

© Nacogdoches Memorial Hospital 2025